Feature stories

Discover the individuals and businesses who are making a difference in the lives of Northerners and their communities across Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and Yukon. Here are their stories and how CanNor supported them in their success.

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Adults and children dressed in snow gear gather around a small fire inside a wooden structure. The structure is made of two circles of external and internal poles. Beams, extending from the external poles to the internal, support an angled roof with a large central opening. The people stand in a wide circle underneath the roof while the fire burns below the opening. Snow dusts the ground and four people play hand drums.
Nahanni Butte community members gather inside the completed Arbor for a fire feeding ceremony.

Community Arbor marks a big win in Nahanni Butte

The town of Nahanni Butte sits in a remote corner of the Northwest Territories and is accessible only by air charter or river taxi. In a location as remote as this, recreation programs and infrastructure are an important focus for community wellbeing, especially during the two to three months of the year when Nahanni Butte is completely isolated.

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