Frontier Lodge - Developing New Tourism Markets (NWT)

Frontier Lodge, owned and operated by the Łutsël K’é Dene First Nation, offers tourists access to world class fishing, northern lights viewing, cultural activities, guided hikes and wildlife viewing. The lodge is located on the Stark River, across from the community of Łutsël K’é, and adjacent to Thaidene Nëné. Tourist access to the lodge is available from Yellowknife via a chartered or scheduled flight directly to Łutsël K’é, and then a short 5-minute boat crossing.
Frontier Lodge revitalized its onsite tourism facilities and marketing strategies. CanNor’s targeted funding supported renovations at the lodge to help transform it into a more inclusive, accessible outdoor adventure lodge, building upon the lodge’s 60-plus years as a renowned fishing destination. All guest-facing buildings on site, including the main lodge, guest accommodations, kitchen and dining room were renovated as part of this project, using locally made furniture, handicrafts and art.
Frontier Lodge also implemented a fresh marketing and sales strategy to expand its client market and expand its operating seasons, with a focus on increasing revenue earnings and creating local employment opportunities. The changes mean that Frontier can offer authentic Indigenous cultural programming, support other existing local tourism businesses, and develop new tourism businesses, and increase sales of local arts and crafts for souvenirs.
As a gateway to adventures in Thaidene Nëné ('Land of the Ancestors' in Dënesųłiné Yati), Frontier Lodge offers access to the homeland of the Łutsël K’é Dene First Nation in the Northwest Territories and a large Indigenous Protected Area. Thaidene Nëné includes a National Park Reserve and a Territorial Protected Area managed cooperatively by Indigenous, Federal, and Territorial Governments. The reserve is a large, protected area (26,376 square kilometres) of boreal forest, tundra, wildlife habitat, and the East Arm of Great Slave Lake (Tu Nedhé).
Frontier Lodge is a key part of the Łutsël K’é Dene First Nation’s goal to take advantage of tourism-related economic opportunities. CanNor’s continued support of the tourism industry supports community economic diversification and helps create jobs for Indigenous peoples.
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