Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Disclosure of Contracts

Overview | Reports | Quarter

2016-2017 - 4th Quarter

Please select the vendor name for contract details.

Vendor Name Contract Date Description of Work Contract Value
David Swayze & Associates Inc 2017/03/27 Support to CanNor's Governance Structure $24,860.00
Auguste Solutions And Associates 2017/03/10 Program Evaluation $179,854.00
Performance Management Consultants 2017/03/08 Training for Effective Facilitation Skills $11,070.00
Asokan Business Interiors 2017/03/16 Furniture Purchases - Ottawa Liason Office $13,416.00
Advanced Business Interiors Inc. 2017/03/17 Furniture Purchases - Ottawa Liason Office $17,507.00