Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Completed Access to Information Requests

December 2013

Request Number Summary of Request Disposition Number of Pages Disclosed
CNR-A-2013-0001 All documents and records (including memos, presentation slides, briefing notes, minutes, agendas, emails, voice mail, and text messages) mentioning or referring to Idle No More. Date range is November 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 Partially disclosed 120
CNR-A-2013-0003 All records and documents (including any presentation slides, briefing notes, minutes, agendas, text messages and voice mail messages) related to the communication(s)/meeting(s) between representatives of ConocoPhilips Canada Ltd. and the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency on November 26, 2012, February 14, 2013 and June 13, 2013. Partially disclosed 218
CNR-A-2013-0008 Briefing notes prepared for the Minister for the Arctic Council and the Arctic Council's Senior Arctic Officials (SAO) in advance of May 2013 Arctic Council Meeting in Kiruna, Sweden. No records