Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency's 2023-24 Departmental Results Report: At a glance
A departmental results report provides an account of the Agency's accomplishments against plans, priorities and expected results set out in the associated Departmental Plan:
Table of contents
Key priorities
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency's (CanNor) top priorities for 2023-24 were as follows:
- Collaborating with Northerners, Indigenous Peoples, and various organizations to build sustainable and prosperous economies in the territories.
- Promoting job creation and resilient economies in the territories through funding programs, sector support, community outreach, efficient consultation tools, and tourism sector growth initiatives.
- Contributing to regulatory efficiencies and fulfillment of consultation obligations in environmental assessments across the territories.
- Continuing to advance Canada's reconciliation journey, working directly with Indigenous communities and businesses to ensure inclusive economic participation and development, as well as furthering Article 23 of the Nunavut Agreement and supporting federal commitments under the Inuit Nunangat Policy and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act.
In 2023-24, CanNor contributed to the Refocusing Government Spending exercise by finding efficiencies in operational expenses, particularly in the areas of professional services and travel while ensuring continuing support for agency activities that contribute to federal consultation and treaty obligations.
In 2023-24, total actual spending (including internal services) for CanNor was $87,358,297 and total full-time equivalent staff (including internal services) was 116. For complete information on CanNor's total spending and human resources, read the Spending and human resources section of the full report.
The following provides a summary of the department's achievements in 2023-24 according to its approved Departmental Results Framework. A Departmental Results Framework consists of a department's core responsibilities, the results it plans to achieve and the performance indicators that measure progress toward these results.
Core responsibility 1: Economic Development in the Territories
Actual spending: $78,143,504
Actual human resources: 83
Departmental results achieved
- People and Communities Participate in the Economy in the Territories
- Businesses are Developing in the Territories
- Efficient and Predictable Environmental Review Process in the Territories
More information about Economic Development in the Territories can be found in the "Results – what we achieved" section of the full departmental results report.