Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency - 2024-2025 Departmental Plan
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ISSN 2371-7564
Table of contents
From the Minister

It is my pleasure to present to you the 2024-25 Departmental Plan for the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor).
As CanNor prepares to celebrate its fifteen year anniversary, I would like to extend my congratulations to the Agency for making important contributions to the lives of people who work, live, and support their families in the territories.
The dynamic economies of the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut reflect the diverse peoples who live in the territories. With their ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit, Northerners in each region provide the local expertise to foster continued economic growth and sustainability for the benefit of their communities and community members.
The Government of Canada continues to work collaboratively and in partnership with territorial governments, First Nations, Inuit and Métis. Our partners know their own local needs, understand their unique challenges and opportunities, and know best, what is required to move forward.
CanNor is an advocate for Northerners, and through its suite of programs provides tailored investments for businesses and organizations to close economic gaps, build social prosperity, support the greening of energy and transportation systems, promote the creation of good jobs and address food insecurity.
CanNor will continue to coordinate federal participation during environmental assessment review processes; convene and provide issues management support to Indigenous organizations, industry proponents and other stakeholders; and maintain the Crown consultation record for major projects in the territories.
Pilimmaksaivik (Federal Centre of Excellence for Inuit Employment in Nunavut) will continue to facilitate a government-wide approach to implementing Article 23 of the Nunavut Agreement, which focuses on building a representative public service in Nunavut.
In 2024-25, CanNor will deliver on these objectives and many others to help create a resilient and dynamic Northern economy for businesses, Northerners and their communities.
The Honourable Dan Vandal
Minister of Northern Affairs, Minister responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada and Minister responsible for the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
From the President

As the new President of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor), I am pleased to present the Departmental Plan for 2024-2025. As a Northerner, I have great appreciation for the work that CanNor has done over the past 15 years to help build diverse and dynamic economies that benefit those who live, work, and support their families in the territories. In 2024-25, CanNor will continue supporting Northerners as they seize economic opportunities, promote innovation and diversification, build capacity and develop skilled workforces, and encourage job growth by making strategic investments.
CanNor is ready to continue its critical role working in collaboration with our partners to build diversified, dynamic and sustainable economies through our programming.
Through CanNor's flagship Inclusive Diversification and Economic Advancement in the North (IDEANorth) program, Northerners can take advantage of economic opportunities to grow, sustain and develop their businesses, communities and regions.
The Northern Indigenous Economic Opportunities Program (NIEOP) supports Inuit, First Nations, and Métis communities and organizations to advance economic development opportunities in their regions while improving job creation, skills training, and business innovation and expansion. The new NIEOP Economic Research stream will support Indigenous-led projects that address knowledge gaps in the territorial Indigenous economic and business ecosystems through applied research, knowledge development, statistics and knowledge dissemination.
CanNor will also deliver the Tourism Growth Program funding to support Northern Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, small- and medium-sized businesses, and not-for-profit organizations as they develop local tourism products and experiences in the territories.
CanNor, with its headquarters in Nunavut, contributes advocacy, knowledge and expertise to numerous projects and initiatives in the North and Arctic. The Agency will continue working with other federal departments to maximize resources so we can support projects. Addressing foundational infrastructure gaps including housing and spurring the growth of sectors such as clean energy, fisheries, critical minerals are all key areas to develop in the territories.
CanNor's Northern Projects Management Office provides an important coordinating and convening role in territorial environmental assessments and advances important consultation tools needed to ensure that the federal duty to consult processes are completed in a collaborative, effective and efficient manner in support of critical mineral and resource development in the North.
Pilimmaksaivik (the Federal Centre of Excellence for Inuit Employment in Nunavut) will continue to identify and address barriers to Inuit employment and advancement by developing and delivering innovative new training, mentoring and supports for Inuit.
As the Agency reflects on its first 15 years of operations, I look forward to building on the success of my predecessors and continuing our collaborative approach to working with our partners to take full advantage of new opportunities so we can build a stronger and more prosperous future for Northerners, and all Canadians.
Jimi Onalik
President of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Plans to deliver on core responsibilities and internal services
Core responsibilities and internal services:
Economic development in the territories
In this section
- Description
- Quality of life impacts
- Results and targets
- Plans to achieve results
- Key risks
- Snapshot of planned resources in 2024-25
- Related government priorities
- Program inventory
Working in the three territories to support the conditions for a sustainable, diversified and innovative economy in collaboration with Northerners/Indigenous people, businesses, organizations, other federal departments and other levels of government.
Quality of life impacts
This core responsibility contributes to the "Prosperity" domain of the Quality of Life Framework for Canada and, more specifically, "Employment", "Firm Growth", and "Gross Domestic Product per Capita" through all of the activities mentioned in the core responsibility description.
Results and targets
The following tables show, for each departmental result related to Economic Development in the territories, the indicators, the results from the three most recently reported fiscal years, the targets and target dates approved in 2024–25.
Indicator | 2020–2021 result | 2021–2022 result | 2022–2023 result | Target | Date to achieve |
Labour participation rate for women and Indigenous peoples in the territories | Women: 65.8% Indigenous: 53.0% |
Women: 66.9% Indigenous: 59.5% |
Women: 66.8% Indigenous: 60.7%Table note * |
Equal or higher than the national averageTable note ** | March 31, 2028 |
Amount leveraged per dollar invested in community projects in the territories | 1.21 | 3.22 | 1.70 | 1.5 | March 31, 2025 |
Number of businesses by business locations in the territories | 4,348 | 4,163 | 4,189 | 4,100Table note *** | March 31, 2025 |
Number of investments in clean tech projects supported by CanNor in the territories | 12 | 17 | 16 | 10 | March 31, 2025 |
Number of companies provided advisory services (Pathfinder) including issues management and support in the environmental assessment and governance processes in the territories | 21 | 42 | 63 | 50 | March 31, 2025 |
Percent of environmental assessments in the territories that are completed within the scheduled time frame | 100% | 87.5% | 66% | 100% | March 31, 2025 |
Plans to achieve results
Under this core responsibility, CanNor's Policy and Advocacy program supports the achievement of all three Departmental Results listed below by contributing to the implementation of the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework, advocating on behalf of Northern-based priorities and sharing knowledge and expertise that enhances the effectiveness of federal policy initiatives for the territories, and cultivating the Northern innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem through targeted supports.
Departmental Result: People and Communities Participate in the Economy in the Territories
Strengthened by additional investments made through Budget 2022, CanNor's Northern Indigenous Economic Opportunities Program (NIEOP) supports greater participation by Northern Inuit, First Nations and Métis communities and businesses in economic opportunities. Through its Community Readiness and Opportunities Planning program, which funds capacity building to support participation in economic activities, NIEOP will advance opportunities for employment, income, and wealth creation. Through its Entrepreneurship and Business Development program, NIEOP assists Indigenous entrepreneurs and businesses through project-based support for activities that help facilitate the establishment or growth of businesses. The NIEOP Economic Research Stream addresses knowledge gaps in the territorial Indigenous economic ecosystem through Indigenous-led research and knowledge mobilization, maximizing economic opportunities and prosperity for Indigenous entrepreneurs and Indigenous businesses.
CanNor hosts Pilimmaksaivik (the Federal Centre of Excellence for Inuit Employment in Nunavut), which is the office responsible for coordinating a horizontal approach to building a representative public service in Nunavut across all groups and levels. In 2024-25, Pilimmaksaivik will continue to implement Article 23 of the Nunavut Agreement through the strategic coordination in delivering innovative recruitment and training initiatives for Nunavut Inuit; and implement intensive outreach and awareness activities that promote the Government of Canada (GC) as an employer of choice. In collaboration with GC departmental partners, Pilimmaksaivik will share and promote best practices in Inuit Employment, provide guidance and support on matters of Inuit Employment, and continue to monitor and report progress.
Pilimmaksaivik will offer distinctions-based mental-health and wellness strategies through coordinating the in-person counsellor program, implementation of Inuit-specific cultural initiatives such as Inuit Cultural Immersion programming and learning activities. Pilimmaksaivik will engage and support Nunavut Inuit employees through facilitating and fostering the Kittuaq Inuit Employee Network and focus/encourage/foster discussions and topics on the lived experiences of Nunavut Inuit employees.
Pilimmaksaivik will enhance investments in Nunavut Inuit employees through the implementation and coordination of whole-of-government special in-service and pre-employment training activities, invest and coordinate Nunavut Inuit employee retention efforts through multi-year education agreements, and coordinate with departments to support Nunavut Inuit employees in their Inuktut language revitalization. Pilimmaksaivik will provide coordination and support to departments in the implementation, monitoring, and reporting on renewed Inuit Employment Plans and develop a whole-of-government Pre-Employment Training Plan.
Departmental Result: Businesses are Developing in the Territories
CanNor supports the growth and expansion of Northern and Indigenous businesses, including small- and medium-sized enterprises, through training opportunities, advisory services, and flexible contribution programs that build capacity for businesses and communities. The objective is to encourage a competitive, diverse Northern business sector with a strengthened capacity for innovation.
In 2024-25, CanNor will place an emphasis on supporting key businesses operating in priority areas of the Northern economies, including small- and medium-sized enterprises in the housing and resource sectors, and will support the territorial entrepreneur and innovator ecosystem. Projects operating within these areas can be identified through CanNor's annual Expression of Interest intake process for the 24-25 FY, and special consideration may be given to those whose proposed economic development activities advance these key priorities.
CanNor's flagship economic development program, Inclusive Diversification and Economic Advancement in the North (IDEANorth) makes foundational investments in economic infrastructure, sector development and capacity building to help position Northerners in the territories to take advantage of Canada's innovation economy. In 2024-25, CanNor will capitalize on the diverse range of economic opportunities that exist in the territories across the four IDEANorth program streams:
- Sector and capacity development: Ongoing foundational investments to advance key economic sectors with growth potential in the territories, including innovation, tourism, and fisheries.
- Business scale-up and productivity: Providing targeted investments to small and medium enterprises, with particular focus to expanding operations in key sectors, including small and medium enterprises participating in the housing sector, infrastructure, and the critical minerals supply chain.
- Small-scale economic infrastructure: Small-scale economic infrastructure development through construction of new or improved community spaces that build the economy, and provide opportunities to enhance collaboration, foster capacity-building and encourage growth of business.
- Economic infrastructure studies (large scale): Advancing foundational economic infrastructure investments in the areas of energy, transportation, and fibre optics.
The Tourism Growth Program contributes to the Federal Tourism Growth Strategy, which charts a course for long-term growth, investment, and stability in Canada's tourism industry. Through the Tourism Growth Program, CanNor will deliver funding to support Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, small- and medium-sized business and not-for-profit organizations in developing local tourism products and experiences throughout the territories.
Departmental Result: Efficient and Predictable Environmental Review Process in the Territories
At CanNor, both the Northern Projects Management Office (NPMO) and the regional operations teams work with industry, territorial governments, communities, Indigenous groups, and other partners to promote resource development and infrastructure projects that create economic growth and sustainable prosperity for Northerners and all Canadians.
CanNor's NPMO plays an important convener role through coordination of federal input into the environmental assessment and regulatory review process for proposed major resource development and infrastructure projects in the territories. NPMO has a mandate to ensure that the timeliness, predictability and transparency of federal participation in the Northern regulatory processes foster a more stable and attractive investment climate.
In 2024-25, NPMO anticipates to oversee and coordinate Crown consultations for about 15 major projects and intends to work with proponents, regulatory boards and partners to ensure the Duty to Consult with Indigenous Peoples is met and major projects are moving in a timely manner.
Key risks
The following are the key risks and response strategies associated with achieving CanNor's results on the Core Responsibility of economic development in the territories:
- Economic uncertainty: Having navigated significant economic upheavals in recent years, the territories continue to face potential economic disruptions including higher interest rates and increased borrowing costs, which are impacting household consumption and business investment.
- CanNor will monitor its suite of economic development programming, ensuring that focused support remains flexible and adaptive to the changing needs of a territorial economy impacted by global forces. This could include shifting program delivery to help Northern and Indigenous businesses navigate the impacts of a prolonged period of higher borrowing rates.
- Labour shortages: Ongoing labour shortages, coupled with an aging population, may continue to strain the Northern labour pool, resulting in delays to projects and increased competition for skilled labour.
- CanNor will make investments that support skills development and Human Resource planning in the North in order to help strengthen and increase the labour force availability for the private and public sectors and decrease dependency on labour from outside of the territories. This includes making focused investments to increase participation rates in the territories.
- Climate change: Severe weather events and other impacts of climate change continue to disrupt travel, construction, and other activities related to economic development. The territories may be uniquely impacted by this, with narrow construction seasons, fragile supply chains, and disproportionate climate disruptions potentially impacting the viability of projects and other economic development activities.
- CanNor will invest in clean energy projects and projects that deploy green technology and promote overall climate resilient infrastructure investments. These focused investments will help to mitigate the impacts of climate change in the North.
- Limited economic diversification: An overdependence on the public service and the resource development sectors highlights the need of economic diversification in the territories.
- CanNor will make investments in other key economic sectors in the territories, including tourism, fisheries, and the cultural industries, and continue to implement its PTGS to advance inclusive economic growth based on the unique strengths and opportunities of the territories.
- Infrastructure development: The infrastructure deficit in the North is a foundational barrier to economic growth, impacting the North's overall competitiveness and increasing the cost of doing business. Across the territories, major infrastructure is inadequate or missing altogether along with a severe shortage of housing and a deficit in community-level infrastructure.
- In collaboration with partners and stakeholders, CanNor will leverage significant planned investments in Northern infrastructure especially in housing to close infrastructure gaps and foster new economic opportunities.
Snapshot of planned resources in 2024–25
- Planned spending: $62,821,419
- Planned full-time resources: 93 FTEs
Related government priorities
Gender-based analysis plus
CanNor operates in a region where Indigenous peoples form a significant proportion of the population (approximately 85.8% in Nunavut, 49.6% in Northwest Territories and 22.3% in the Yukon, according to Statistics Canada's 'Census of Population'). Given CanNor's mandate and operating realities, programs and policies incorporate the experiences and realities of Indigenous peoples. The Agency delivers economic development programming in collaboration with local and regional Indigenous entrepreneurs, organizations, governments and businesses to support improved socio-economic outcomes for communities and community members.
CanNor offers a suite of economic development programs that support diverse groups, including youth, members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community, persons living with disabilities, women and Indigenous peoples. These programs spur innovation, promote sustainable growth and are designed to increase the capacity of these diverse groups and individuals to fully engage in economic development opportunities within the territories. CanNor also offers programs specifically for Indigenous community development in the territories such as the Northern Indigenous Economic Opportunities Program.
Through its programs, CanNor continues to track and report on the labour participation rate of women and Indigenous peoples in the territories. In 2024-25, CanNor will implement its ongoing commitment to the advancement of GBA+ objectives and principles through our programs and initiatives. CanNor will identify the intersection between GBA+ and other Agency strategies (e.g., Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility). CanNor will work towards a data management solution and internal reporting structure to ensure that Agency data can be managed and used for reporting and decision-making. Furthermore, CanNor will support GBA+ training, initiatives, and collaboration with the GBA+ community in the Government of Canada.
United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
CanNor tabled its Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy that will help advance the Government's commitment to implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Through its economic development programming, CanNor will support the advancement of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets:
- SDG 2: Support a healthier and more sustainable food system.
- SDG 8: Encourage inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Canada.
- SDG 10: Advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and take action to reduce inequality.
In addition, through its internal policies, CanNor will also support the advancement of the following SDGs and targets:
- SDG 10: Advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and take action to reduce inequality.
- SDG 12: Reduce waste and transition to zero-emission vehicles.
- SDG 13: Take action on climate change and its impacts.
More information on CanNor's contributions to Canada's Federal Implementation Plan on the 2030 Agenda and the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy can be found in our Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy.
Program inventory
Economic Development in the Territories is supported by the following programs:
- Community Development
- Business Development
- Policy and Advocacy
- Northern Projects Management
Supporting information on planned expenditures, human resources, and results related to CanNor's program inventory is available on GC Infobase.
Internal services
In this section
- Description
- Plans to achieve results
- Snapshot of planned resources in 2024-25
- Related government priorities
Internal services are the services that are provided within a department so that it can meet its corporate obligations and deliver its programs. There are 10 categories of internal services:
- management and oversight services
- communications services
- legal services
- human resources management services
- financial management services
- information management services
- information technology services
- real property management services
- materiel management services
- acquisition management services
Plans to achieve results
In support of continuous improvement of its Internal Services, the Agency plans to undertake the following:
- Continue to deliver dedicated client service and business process refinement, equipping the Agency with the ability to stay flexible to respond to governmental and departmental objectives.
- Implement initiatives across CanNor that are aimed at enhancing fiscal prudence and responsible financial management while supporting Budget 2023's commitment to refocusing government spending.
- Continue to foster a healthy, diverse and innovative work environment through initiatives such as CanNor's Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, Accessibility Plan, Inuit Employment Plan and plans to support the implementation of the Yukon Representative Public Service Plan.
- Enhance IM/IT Service Delivery with partners by onboarding to new initiatives and refreshing the Agency's IM/IT governance and policy suites.
- Continue to improve how it communicates and reports on its activities, opportunities and results to Canadians. These efforts will include enhancements to its Web presence, as well as the continued use of social media platforms to provide easy access to its programs and services. This will allow the Agency to respond more effectively to the needs of proponents, partners and stakeholders while promoting the positive impact that CanNor's funding is having for businesses and communities across the territories.
Snapshot of planned resources in 2024-25
- Planned spending: $8,566,557
- Planned full-time resources: 31 FTEs
Related government priorities
Planning for contracts awarded to Indigenous businesses
The Government of Canada is increasing economic opportunities for First Nations, Inuit and Métis businesses through the federal procurement process. The mandatory 5% minimum Indigenous procurement target is being implemented in three phases to allow departments and agencies to update planning and processes to support implementation. CanNor plans to exceed the minimum 5% target in 2024-25. CanNor outsources its procurement services through a Memorandum of Understanding with Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).
In collaboration with ISC, CanNor will examine planned procurements to identify opportunities for Indigenous businesses, support the participation of Indigenous businesses to compete for contract awards, and contribute to the enhancement of oversight, planning and reporting mechanisms specific to Indigenous procurement. Working with ISC, CanNor will ensure that reports on performance against the mandatory minimum target have been approved by the department's deputy head and submitted to ISC within six months after fiscal year-end. The Agency will continue to implement measures to meet the requirements of the Directive on Government Contracts, Including Real Property Leases, to provide reasonable support and assistance to Inuit firms to enable them to compete for government contracts, while supporting Green Procurement.
5% reporting field | 2022-23 actual result | 2023-24 forecasted result | 2024-25 planned result |
Total percentage of contracts with Indigenous businesses | 11% | 13.4% | 13.4% |
Planned spending and human resources
This section provides an overview of CanNor's planned spending and human resources for the next three fiscal years and compares planned spending for 2024–25 with actual spending from previous years.
In this section
Figure 1: Spending by core responsibility in 2024–25*
Table of Planned Spending for Upcoming Fiscal Year

Text alternative for Figure 1: Spending by core responsibility in 2024–25
Table of planned spending for the upcoming fiscal year:
- Economic development in the territories:
- $62,821,419
- 88%
- Internal services:
- $8,566,557
- 12%
* Due to CanNor's micro-agency status and the costs associated with working and being headquartered in the North, CanNor's Internal Services represents a larger proportional impact on overall spending (e.g., northern isolated post allowances for employees).
Table 3: Actual spending summary for core responsibilities and internal services ($ dollars)
The following table shows information on spending for each of CanNor's core responsibilities and for its internal services for the previous three fiscal years. Amounts for the current fiscal year are forecasted based on spending to date.
Core responsibilities and internal services | 2021–2022 actual expenditures | 2022–2023 actual expenditures | 2023–2024 forecast spending |
Economic development in the territories | 80,292,203 | 96,503,091 | 80,559,939 |
Internal services | 8,079,311 | 8,574,252 | 8,382,356 |
Total | 88,371,514 | 105,077,343 | 88,942,295 |
Explanation of table 3: The total expenditures and forecast spending for fiscal years 2021-22 to 2023-24 fiscal year include all Parliamentary appropriation sources: Main Estimates, Supplementary Estimates, and funding from various Treasury Board votes. The year-over-year variances in actual spending reflect the dynamic nature of the Agency's operations and the need to adapt to evolving circumstances in the North due to the shifts in program priorities, changes in project timelines, and variations in funding availability. |
Table 4: Budgetary planning summary for core responsibilities and internal services (dollars)
The following table shows information on spending for each of CanNor's core responsibilities and for its internal services for the upcoming three fiscal years.
Core responsibilities and internal services | 2024-25 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) | 2024-25 planned spending | 2025-26 planned spending | 2026-27 planned spending |
Economic development in the territories | 62,821,419 | 62,821,419 | 58,362,614 | 53,932,017 |
Internal services | 8,566,557 | 8,566,557 | 7,958,538 | 7,827,014 |
Total | 71,387,976 | 71,387,976 | 66,321,152 | 61,759,031 |
Explanation of table 4: For the 2024-25 to 2026-27 fiscal years, total planned spending does not include funding through Supplementary Estimates and carry-forward adjustments. The funding level decreases in 2025-26 are primarily attributed to project completion and the sunsetting of the Budget 2023 initiatives for Indigenous participation in Northern environmental decision-making. In 2026-27, a further reduction in funding is anticipated due to the sunset of the Budget 2023 program supporting the Tourism Growth Program in the territories. |
Figure 2: Departmental spending 2021–22 to 2026–27
The following graph presents planned spending (voted and statutory expenditures) over time.

Text alternative for Figure 2: Departmental spending 2021–22 to 2026–27
Year | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25 | 2025-26 | 2026-27 |
Statutory | $1,836,511 | $1,861,614 | $2,459,444 | $2,131,509 | $2,083,184 | $1,664,391 |
Voted | $86,535,003 | $103,215,729 | $86,694,061 | $69,256,467 | $64,237,968 | $60,094,640 |
Total | $88,371,514 | $105,077,343 | $89,153,505 | $71,387,976 | $66,321,152 | $61,759,031 |
Figure 2 Explanation:
The total expenditures and forecast spending for fiscal years 2021-22 to 2023-24 fiscal year include all Parliamentary appropriation sources: Main Estimates, Supplementary Estimates, and funding from various Treasury Board votes. The year-over-year variances in actual and forecast spending reflect the dynamic nature of the Agency's operations. This adaptability is crucial in responding to changing circumstances in the North, driven by shifts in program priorities, changes in project timelines, and variations in funding availability. The decrease in spending from 2022-23 and 2024-25 is partially due to the sunsetting of COVID-19 relief and recovery programming.
For the 2024-25 to 2026-27 fiscal years, total planned spending does not include funding through Supplementary Estimates and carry-forward adjustments. The funding level decreases in 2025-26 are primarily attributed to project completion and the sunsetting of the Budget 2023 initiatives for Indigenous participation in Northern environmental decision-making. In 2026-27, a further reduction in funding is anticipated due to the sunsetting of Budget 2023 program supporting the Tourism Growth Program in the territories.
Estimates by vote
Information on CanNor's organizational appropriations is available in the 2024–25 Main Estimates.
Future-oriented condensed statement of operations
The future-oriented condensed statement of operations provides an overview of CanNor's operations for 2023–24 to 2024–25.
The forecast and planned amounts in this statement of operations were prepared on an accrual basis. The forecast and planned amounts presented in other sections of the Departmental Plan were prepared on an expenditure basis. Amounts may therefore differ.
Financial information | 2023–24 forecast results | 2024–25 planned results | Difference (2024–25 planned results minus 2023–24 forecast results) |
Total expenses | 66,424,774 | 64,628,679 | 1,796,095 |
Total revenues | 101,449 | 40,580 | 60,869 |
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers | 66,323,325 | 64,588,099 | 1,735,226 |
Explanation of table 5 The forecast financial information presented for 2023-24 and 2024-25 may differ from actual results, and the difference could be significant. The predictions are based on estimates and assumptions about the future, subject to change due to various factors, such as the economic conditions in the north and the budget adjustments during the fiscal years. After presenting the plan, CanNor will not update the forecast for financial changes but will explain variances in the Departmental Results Report. |
Human resources
Table 6: Actual human resources for core responsibilities and internal services
The following table shows a summary of human resources, in full-time equivalents (FTEs), for CanNor's core responsibilities and for its internal services for the previous three fiscal years. Human resources for the current fiscal year are forecasted based on year to date.
Core responsibilities and internal services | 2021–22 actual FTEs | 2022–23 actual FTEs | 2023–24 forecasted FTEs |
Economic development in the territories | 89 | 80 | 89 |
Internal services | 29 | 32 | 29 |
Total | 118 | 112 | 112 |
Explanation of table 6 The year-over-year changes in actual full-time equivalents are mainly due to staff turnover. |
Table 7: Human resources planning summary for core responsibilities and internal services
The following table shows information on human resources, in full-time equivalents (FTEs), for each of CanNor's core responsibilities and for its internal services planned for 2024–25 and future years.
Core responsibilities and internal services | 2024–25 planned fulltime equivalents | 2025–26 planned fulltime equivalents | 2026–27 planned fulltime equivalents |
Economic development in the territories | 93 | 93 | 92 |
Internal services | 31 | 31 | 31 |
Total | 124 | 124 | 123 |
Explanation of table 7: The planned FTEs are stabilized for the next three years based on the Budget 2023's renewal of the CanNor's flagship program: Inclusive Diversification and Economic Advancement in the North. |
Corporate information
Organizational profile
Appropriate minister: The Honourable Dan Vandal, P.C., M.P., Minister of Northern Affairs, Minister responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada and Minister responsible for the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Institutional head: Jimi Onalik, President
Ministerial portfolio: Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Enabling instrument(s): Public Service Rearrangement and Transfer of Duties Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. P-34
Year of incorporation / commencement: 2009
Organizational contact information
Mailing address
Head Office:
200 – 1106 Iqaluktuutiak Drive
Iqaluit, Nunavut X0A 3H0 Canada
Telephone: 1-855-897-2667
Fax: 1-867-975-3740
Website: Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency Website
Supplementary information tables
The following supplementary information tables are available on CanNor's website:
Information on CanNor's departmental sustainable development strategy can be found on CanNor's website.
Federal tax expenditures
CanNor's Departmental Plan does not include information on tax expenditures.
Tax expenditures are the responsibility of the Minister of Finance. The Department of Finance Canada publishes cost estimates and projections for government-wide tax expenditures each year in the Report on Federal Tax Expenditures.
This report provides detailed information on tax expenditures, including objectives, historical background and references to related federal spending programs, as well as evaluations, research papers and gender-based analysis plus.
- appropriation (crédit)
- Any authority of Parliament to pay money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
- budgetary expenditures (dépenses budgétaires)
- Operating and capital expenditures; transfer payments to other levels of government, organizations or individuals; and payments to Crown corporations.
- core responsibility (responsabilité essentielle)
- An enduring function or role performed by a department. The intentions of the department with respect to a core responsibility are reflected in one or more related departmental results that the department seeks to contribute to or influence.
- Departmental Plan (plan ministériel)
- A document that sets out a department's priorities, programs, expected results and associated resource requirements, covering a three year period beginning with the year indicated in the title of the report. Departmental Plans are tabled in Parliament each spring.
- departmental result (résultat ministériel)
- A change that a department seeks to influence. A departmental result is often outside departments' immediate control, but it should be influenced by program-level outcomes.
- departmental result indicator (indicateur de résultat ministériel)
- A factor or variable that provides a valid and reliable means to measure or describe progress on a departmental result.
- departmental results framework (cadre ministériel des résultats)
- A framework that consists of the department's core responsibilities, departmental results and departmental result indicators.
- Departmental Results Report (rapport sur les résultats ministériels)
- A report on a department's actual performance in a fiscal year against its plans, priorities and expected results set out in its Departmental Plan for that year. Departmental Results Reports are usually tabled in Parliament each fall.
- full time equivalent (équivalent temps plein)
- A measure of the extent to which an employee represents a full person year charge against a departmental budget. Full time equivalents are calculated as a ratio of assigned hours of work to scheduled hours of work. Scheduled hours of work are set out in collective agreements.
- gender-based analysis plus (GBA Plus) (analyse comparative entre les sexes plus [ACS Plus])
- An analytical tool used to support the development of responsive and inclusive policies, programs and other initiatives. GBA Plus is a process for understanding who is impacted by the issue or opportunity being addressed by the initiative; identifying how the initiative could be tailored to meet diverse needs of the people most impacted; and anticipating and mitigating any barriers to accessing or benefitting from the initiative. GBA Plus is an intersectional analysis that goes beyond biological (sex) and socio-cultural (gender) differences to consider other factors, such as age, disability, education, ethnicity, economic status, geography, language, race, religion, and sexual orientation.
- government-wide priorities (priorités pangouvernementales)
- For the purpose of the 2024–25 Departmental Plan, government-wide priorities are the high-level themes outlining the government's agenda in the 2021 Speech from the Throne: building a healthier today and tomorrow; growing a more resilient economy; bolder climate action; fighter harder for safer communities; standing up for diversity and inclusion; moving faster on the path to reconciliation and fighting for a secure, just, and equitable world.
- horizontal initiative (initiative horizontale)
- An initiative in which two or more federal organizations are given funding to pursue a shared outcome, often linked to a government priority.
- Indigenous business
- As defined on the Indigenous Services Canada website in accordance with the Government of Canada's commitment that a mandatory minimum target of 5% of the total value of contracts is awarded to Indigenous businesses annually.
- non budgetary expenditures (dépenses non budgétaires)
- Net outlays and receipts related to loans, investments and advances, which change the composition of the financial assets of the Government of Canada.
- performance (rendement)
- What an organization did with its resources to achieve its results, how well those results compare to what the organization intended to achieve, and how well lessons learned have been identified.
- plan (plan)
- The articulation of strategic choices, which provides information on how an organization intends to achieve its priorities and associated results. Generally, a plan will explain the logic behind the strategies chosen and tend to focus on actions that lead up to the expected result.
- planned spending (dépenses prévues)
- For Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports, planned spending refers to those amounts presented in the Main Estimates. A department is expected to be aware of the authorities that it has sought and received. The determination of planned spending is a departmental responsibility, and departments must be able to defend the expenditure and accrual numbers presented in their Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports.
- program (programme)
- Individual or groups of services, activities or combinations thereof that are managed together within a department and that focus on a specific set of outputs, outcomes or service levels.
- program inventory (répertoire des programmes)
- An inventory of a department's programs that describes how resources are organized to carry out the department's core responsibilities and achieve its planned results.
- result (résultat)
- An external consequence attributed, in part, to an organization, policy, program or initiative. Results are not within the control of a single organization, policy, program or initiative; instead, they are within the area of the organization's influence.
- statutory expenditures (dépenses législatives)
- Expenditures that Parliament has approved through legislation other than appropriation acts. The legislation sets out the purpose of the expenditures and the terms and conditions under which they may be made.
- target (cible)
- A measurable performance or success level that an organization, program or initiative plans to achieve within a specified time period. Targets can be either quantitative or qualitative.
- voted expenditures (dépenses votées)
- Expenditures that Parliament approves annually through an Appropriation Act. The vote wording becomes the governing conditions under which these expenditures may be made.