Up-front multi-year funding

General information on up-front multi-year funding to the Qikiqtani Inuit Association

Recipient information: Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA)

Start date: August 1, 2019

End date: March 31, 2023

Link to department's Program Inventory: Community Development

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment:

The grant supports the construction of a Regional Training Centre in Pond Inlet which is expected to be operational in fiscal year 2023–24. This project supports the Government of Canada commitments under the Inuit Impact Benefit Agreement with QIA.

The Regional Training Centre will be used to train Inuit for employment in various economic sectors including the conservation economy (i.e., Inuit Stewards), science and research, mining and other areas of employment (i.e., government and Inuit organization sector roles) and also to provide a location for transfer of traditional knowledge and skills.

The objectives of this grant are to allow QIA:

Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year, and future plan: N/A

Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year, and future plan: N/A

Summary of results achieved by the recipient: N/A

Total funding approved (dollars): $10,000,000

Total funding received (dollars): $10,000,000*

Financial information (dollars)
Planned spending in 2022–23 Total authorities available for use in 2022–23 Actual spending (authorities used) in 2022–23 Variance (2022–23 actual minus 2022–23 planned) Explanation of variance
2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000

Note (*): Although the financial authority expired on March 31, 2023, CanNor seeks the extension of the authority in aligning with the revised contribution agreement with the new end date of 2025.

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