Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)

Section 1: Institutional GBA Plus Capacity

In 2021-22, CanNor continued to implement the GBA Plus Action Plan, focusing on development of internal GBA Plus tools and resources tailored to the Agency's functional areas. CanNor conducted an environmental scan of GBA Plus materials and tools available for public servants and is adapting these to make them applicable to various functions in the Agency. The goal is to establish GBA Plus expertise within each Branch.

CanNor works with Statistics Canada to obtain data to inform decision-making to advance GBA Plus goals. CanNor's results and delivery mechanisms continue to be strengthened to better report on GBA Plus outcomes, including tracking of CanNor training.

Section 2: Gender and Diversity Impacts, by Program

Core Responsibility: Businesses are developing in the territories

Program Name: Business Development

Target Population: Northern Canadians

Distribution of Benefits:

Key Program impacts on Gender and diversity

Statistics Observed Results* Data Source Comment
Number of businesses by business location in the Territories 4,163 Business Counts, Statistics Canada Slightly lower than the 2020-21 results (decrease by 4%)
* 2021-22 or most recent

Other Key Program impacts on gender and diversity

CanNor continued COVID-19 relief programming to support small-and medium-sized businesses in the territories. CanNor leveraged both program data and external data from Statistics Canada and Women and Gender Equality Canada to address gaps and target investments toward sectors and businesses with higher concentrations of disproportionately-impacted diverse groups, including Indigenous peoples and communities, women, and youth.

Supplementary Information Sources

Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan

In 2021-22, CanNor collected GBA Plus data through results indicators tied to the Departmental Results Framework and program indicators for business development programming.

Core Responsibility: People and communities participate in the economy in the territories

Program Name: Community Development

Target Population: Northern Canadians

Distribution of BenefitsFootnote 1:

  • By gender: Broadly gender-balanced
  • By income level: No significant distributional impacts
  • By age group: No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors

Key Program impacts on Gender and diversity

Statistics Observed Results* Data Source Comment
Labour participation rate for women in the territories 66.9% Labour Force Survey, Statistics Canada Slight increase in the labour participation rate for women in the Territories compared to 2020-21 results
Labour participation rate for Indigenous peoples in the territories 59.5% Labour Force Survey, Statistics Canada Slight increase in the labour participation rate for Indigenous Peoples in the Territories compared to the 2020-21 results
* 2021-22 or most recent

Other Key Program impacts on gender and diversity

CanNor continued COVID-19 relief programming to support small-and medium-sized businesses in the territories. CanNor leveraged both program data and external data from Statistics Canada and Women and Gender Equality Canada to address gaps and target investments toward sectors and businesses with higher concentrations of disproportionately-impacted diverse groups, including Indigenous peoples and communities, women, and youth.

Supplementary Information Sources

Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan

In 2021-22, CanNor collected GBA Plus data through results indicators tied to the Departmental Results Framework and program indicators for business development programming.

Core Responsibility: Efficient and predictable environmental review process in the territories

Program Name: Northern Projects Management

Target Population: Northern Canadians

Distribution of BenefitsFootnote 1:

  • By gender: Broadly gender-balanced
  • By income level: No significant distributional impacts
  • By age group: No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors

Key Program impacts on Gender and diversity

Statistics Observed Results* Data Source Comment
Number of communications with Indigenous organizations participating within the spatial scope of the environmental assessment Yukon = 114
NWT = 23
Nunavut = 45
Northern Projects Management Office internal data First year of reporting
Number of communications with women-focus organizations participating within the spatial scope of the environmental assessment Yukon = 0
Nunavut = 2 **
Northern Projects Management Office internal data First year of reporting
Number of commitments and measures that decrease the barriers for participation of Indigenous and Women labour participation rate in major resource projects in the North Yukon = 37
Nunavut = 2
Northern Projects Management Office internal data First year of reporting
Percentage of completed environmental assessments that result in commitments and measures that decrease the barriers for participation of Indigenous and increase women labour participation rate in major resource projects in the North

Yukon = 100%
(2 of 2)

(0 EA's completed in 2021)

Nunavut = 100%
(1 of 1)

Northern Projects Management Office internal data First year of reporting

* 2021-22 or most recent

** Meliadine mine February 11-12, 2021 Nunavut Impact Review Board facilitated roundtable

Other Key Program impacts on gender and diversity

In 2021-22, CanNor collected new GBA Plus data through results indicators tied to the Departmental Results Framework, specifically related to the participation of Indigenous Peoples and communities, and women in major resource projects and environmental assessments.

Supplementary Information Sources

Northern Projects Management Office (NPMO)

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan

The baselines for the new GBA Plus indicators were based on the 2020-21 results and are reported on an annual basis.

Core Responsibility: Advocacy for economic development in the territories

Program Name: Policy and Advocacy

Target Population: Northern Canadians

Distribution of BenefitsFootnote 1:

  • By gender: Broadly gender-balanced
  • By income level: No significant distributional impacts
  • By age group: No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors

Key Impacts

In 2021-22, CanNor continued to implement the GBA Plus Action Plan, focusing on development of internal GBA Plus tools and resources tailored to the Agency's functional areas. CanNor continued to consult with other Government of Canada departments (Statistics Canada, Women and Gender Equality Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada) to gather information, leverage insights, better understand the GBA+ environment in the territories, and advance federal objectives.

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan

In 2021-22, CanNor collected GBA Plus data through results indicators tied to the Departmental Results Framework and program indicators for business development programming.


Target Population: See Finance Canada definition of Target Group in the User Instructions for the GBA Plus Departmental Summary.

Gender Scale:

Income Level Scale:

Age Group Scale:

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